I have never used an electronic reader so I'm really no expert. But - to work for me - a reader would need to hold a lot of books... like this pile of partly-read books on my night table... and allow me to bookmark pages for years to come.

I have recently been thinning out my book shelves - and discovered books I no longer use, like this one... The New York Public Library Desk Reference Book, which holds tha answers to a lot of questions people commonly ask a librarians. My mother would like this book - she loves to refresh her mind with facts - and she never uses a computer.

(If I want to know the capital of a certain country or the Ten Commandments, nowadays I would do a google search...)
Another area where I have begun to depend on the internet is to search for hard-to-find recipes. I usually look in all my cookbooks, and - if I can't find what I'm looking for - I either do google search for it or I look on a website called recipe link,
But websites have not replaced cookbooks for me yet...
I still love to browse through cookbooks. There is something comforting about comparing recipes in different cookbooks, writing comments in the margin, and looking at pictures of food.

(And although I subscribe to the 20 minute supper club - an online resource for quick meals... I rarely search its recipes!) It's a good resource to have - but, for me, it can't replace a good cookbook!
My favorite cookbooks will never become obsolete!
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