Monday, September 20, 2010

Gourmet Ice Cream Sandwiches

My friend Janet first introduced me to the concept of homemade ice cream sandwiches. She uses graham wafers or any other simple cookies...

She sandwiches a thick layer of ice cream between two cookies.

Then she wraps the sandwiches in waxed paper - and keeps them in the freezer.

They taste as good as store-bought ones... sometimes, even better.

I recently was intrigued by this seller of gourmet ice cream sandwiches - at the Carp Farmers Market...

She had a variety of chocolate chip or butter cookies, with both vanilla and chocolate ice cream filling sandwiched between them. She even had "mixed" sandwiches - different types of cookies on the two sides of the sandwich...

The day was warm and sunny. She was doing a brisk business!!

Chocolate-lover that I am, I chose chocolate chocolate-chip cookies (on both sides) with chocolate ice cream in the center!

I was NOT disappointed!!

Maybe I'll try to make them sometime! They would make a delicious dessert treat!

1 comment:

  1. Those look amazing, you can't beat a good homemade Ice Cream sandwich. A healthy suggestion for the "bun" is a Deep Chocolate VitaTop. This is a 100 calorie muffin top which is packed with vitamins and minerals, 38% of your daily fiber and 4 grams of protein!
