Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What Happened to My Peonies?

Peonies are lovely, but their season is short, and they don't do well in the rain...

What happened to your peonies?
Terry asked, this morning, as he looked out the window.

It had been raining off and on the past day or so. I know peonies don't always handle rain well. It sometimes ends their blooming. One bunch looked a little weathered but were still round balls of petals.

But another bunch looked like a completely different flower!

I don't remember ever seeing them this open before!

What happened? Have they mutated - crossed with a different flower? Terry asked.

I was as surprised as he was - I really don't know!


  1. It looks to me like you have both single and double peonies in your garden.
    My mom grew a few different varieties and I came to really love the look of the less full types.

    more info here

  2. Thanks for the interesting link. I think most of the peonies in my garden are double - but this one plant looks single (in its open form). I'm just surprised that it never opened up like this before. Is it possible it mutated or changed somehow this summer?!
