Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mid-Winter Reprieve

It's cold outside - but there is no wind. It feels like the calm between two winter storms...

The first onslaught of winter has come and gone, leaving lots of snow.

A few days of warmer weather melted some of it. But then cold weather returned, hardening the slush into dirty banks of ice along the sides of the roads.

I could stay indoors reading or doing creative stuff - but instead, I'm rushing around shopping. Why not? The roads and parking lots are clear.

I'm not the only one who's tired of being indoors! Squirrels are also running around today.

Their tiny paw-prints are next to the X-prints made by the ice grippers on my boots.

No one knows when winter will return in full force... Only that it will - it's too early for spring. Our cold weather will probably last another 6 or 7 weeks... till mid- March.

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