Sunday, January 21, 2018

Winter Wisdom

I recently came across some ancient wisdom (in the book of Ecclesiastes ) that has been encouraging me this winter...

The first is: "there is nothing better for men than that they should be happy in their work..." 
Thinking about that, I realize that it's important for me to keep active doing something I enjoy, especially in these long, cold winter months.

Fortunately, I love doing a lot of things indoors, so that's not a problem. I've really been enjoying quilting - and have even managed to finish some quilts I started years ago.

The second idea that has been challenging for is this: "Whatever you do, do well..." 

I'm not, by nature, a perfectionist, which is both good and bad. Good, in that I don't drive myself crazy trying to get things just right and giving up when I don't succeed. But possibly bad because I don't challenge myself enough... I wonder:  If I aim for excellence, will I derive more satisfaction from my efforts?

With that in mind, I'm trying to be just a little more of a perfectionist. 

Looking at the top picture - a glimpse of our winter world these days, Terry probably isn't really enjoying clearing the snow from our driveway. But like everything he does, he is doing it with meticulous attention to detail. It does drive him crazy at times...

Aiming for perfection is a lot harder for me.

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