Monday, April 27, 2015

Underbuyer or Overbuyer?!

I have been enjoying Gretchen Rubin's book on making and changing habits, entitled Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives.

(It came to my attention around the time I was reading Mindless Eating - another book about unhealthy eating habits - so it was a natural next book to read!)

I found Gretchen Rubin's chapter on "two types of people" fascinating. (It's actually entitled: "Self-knowledge: Distinctions.") It was refreshing to read about different personality types in an acknowledging and non-judgmental way.  The goal, of course, is to identify ourselves...

"Am I an Underbuyer or an Overbuyer?" I immediately knew that I'm an overbuyer: I hate to run out of things, to stop what I'm doing to go to the store. So I buy more than I need in all areas: food, clothing, books or craft supplies like fabric and yarn.

Now that I've come to the realization that I habitually "overbuy," I have begun to ask myself: Do I really need two (or more) or will one suffice? I've also found myself thinking: No need to overbuy!

The section entitled, "Am I a Simplicity Lover or an Abundance Lover?" made me realize that part of my ongoing de-cluttering dilemma is that I actually love abundance. I love to be surrounded with lots of crafts and books and things to do. But at the same time, I need more space to pursue all my interests. Decluttering, for me, is often re-organizing what I have because I love abundance!

The book has given me food for thought, making me realize that we all have personal tendencies we probably can't change!

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