Sunday, April 26, 2015


Spring is here... but the weather is cooler again...

More like end of March than end of April, someone commented the other day, as we bundled up in our winter coats. But I'm thankful there's no snow on the ground!

A few flowers are blooming indoors. That always cheers me up!

I also have a few spring flowers out in the yard. The hellebores on the west of the yard are proliferating... and facing upward! (They have a tendency to face down.) The ones in the front yard have disappeared, making me wonder if squirrels or other animals find them tasty.

There are more scillas in bloom in my front hosta bed as well. (No hostas are up yet.)

Last year spring was late, and I wondered if all the flowers would bloom later than usual. They didn't. Once warm weather arrived, the garden returned to its normal blooming cycle.

The only question in my mind is: When will warm weather arrive?!!

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