Monday, March 17, 2014

When Words Change Their Meaning...

Words are so interesting! They are all we have to communicate with, but their meanings sometimes change! (I am reminded of this every time I talk with someone younger who uses expressions I've never heard of!) No wonder we sometimes miscommunicate!

Take the word "chimney."

A while back I posted a blog on my mother's early teaching years and commented on how classroom duties had changed. A hundred years ago, a teacher was expected to clean the chimney, not just light the fire before the pupils arrived. Wasn't cleaning the stove chimney a bit much to expect?!

A friend emailed to clarify on the meaning of the word chimney: A chimney wasn't simply a vent for a stove. It was also the vent for a coal oil lamp!

I recently saw this one in an Indian restaurant. Cleaning the glass dome doesn't seem that hard!

But had my friend not informed me, I would have thought teachers were expected to be chimney-sweeps!

Words change their meaning and tools become obsolete... No wonder, over time, we have a hard time conceptualizing what life was like long ago - even with historic letters and documents from way back.

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