Friday, March 14, 2014

Creating a Personal Flower Catalog

A few years ago, tired of not remembering names of flowers I had planted in my garden, I started to organize photos of them into a personal flower catalog. Photos of the plants in bloom - with their names - are grouped according to season: early spring, early summer, late summer and so on.

I printed up my catalog - but it is still a work in progress. I'd like to have two photos of each plant - one a flower close-up, another showing the whole plant. I might add other details like where I got the plant (if I can remember) and its soil and light requirements.

I always intend to keep detailed notes about where I plant things - but during the busy gardening season, I often move plants that are crowded. Then I forget to take notes - though I do take photos of flowers in bloom. For me, this pictorial aid to remembering names is a useful start!

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