Monday, March 3, 2014

A Suggestion For Google

I use Google as a search engine, but have recently been running into problems: Let me explain. One day a woman in my pottery class mentioned that in her country of origin, potters are greatly respected. In fact, in children's fairy tales, princes are often... potters!

I forgot to ask her what country she was from, so I did a Google search: fairy tale prince is potter... But instead of getting a list of references to fairy tales, I get a long list of references to... Harry Potter!

Later I did a search for clay sculpting mats. I'd like to buy one to try sculpting at home.

Instead of a list of suppliers, my search for a "clay sculpting mat" produced a long list of links to people named Matt Clay or Clay Matthews!

Definitely not helpful!! I'd like to see Google add a search option which eliminates people's names! 

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