We arrived early - just as work crews were beginning their day.
This week's class focused on sketching using 5 values (shades) of white, grey and black. During last week's class, we tried drawing with only two shades - light and dark - then three.
A shady hosta bed provided my first challenge.
I didn't manage to finish my picture in the time allotted. Professional botanical artists, I am told, can complete a drawing later, by simply referring to one or two leaves completed. (I'm not at that stage yet!)
I did finish my second drawing, the one assigned after our coffee break. My subject was these chives (above)... though my illustration only shows three.
My next challenge: learning how to shade in a less boring background... Irregular shapes perhaps? Like the dappled shadows the sun creates under a tree?
There is so much to learn!
And so many plants to draw!
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