Friday, July 23, 2010

Growing in Talent

I have been thinking about talent... how it develops and grows...

Music at our church is often led by a pianist and a number of guitar players, as well as a drummer. All volunteer their time, preparing and performing, as they lead the rest of us in singing. Often one of the musicians starts off our Sunday morning service with a few remarks and a prayer.

One young man who from time to time leads this part of the service appeared hesitant and uncomfortable when he took on this role not that many months ago. But last Sunday, less than a year after he first began, I was struck by his confident manner, and I marveled at how far he had come in so short a time!

Recently I also met a young woman I hadn't seen in several years. When I last saw her, she was thinking about becoming a teacher. Now- a few years later - having taught for two or three years, she was dynamic and outgoing... unlike the shy individual I had known before...

Is that how talent grows? I often think of talent as a pre-packaged gift delivered to some - and not to others... But perhaps it is really the product of patient toil... and time. Does it develop as people willingly undertake challenges that stretch them? ...And eventually they "fill the shoes" they have stepped into?

By not stepping out and trying new things - am I holding myself back, stunting my potential growth?

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