Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sixty-five Years Ago Today...

This is a true story my mother wrote about 25 years ago while taking a course on Writing the Stories of Your Life. I thought it was an interesting glimpse into her life as a young adult. It also makes me realize how important it is to pass on our own life stories for others to share.

V-E DAY: 1945

Tuesday night, May 8, 1945, Dick and I were suddenly awakened by strange noises and loud banging on the front door.

What can that be? I asked, terrified.

Dick switched on the light: 2:30 a.m.

Must be something urgent to have anyone out at this time of the night, Dick replied as he hurried to the door.

Hay Lakes, Alberta - population 300 - was normally a peaceful village.

The War is over! hollered about 20 people outside, and by this time - inside - our small two-room home. All were dressed in night apparel - from pajamas to scanty nightgowns.

During the war, alcohol was rationed, so the next best thing someone came up with was raspberries and cream. We were given a spoonful of the concoction, and pulled along to join the gang as they continued to spread the great news of the day - that World War II was over!


(The Ottawa Citizen newspaper requested VE Day stories, so I submitted this one. It appears, with other VE Day vignettes, in today's paper.)

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