Tuesday, April 27, 2010

You Can't Say That!!

One of the surprising things I encountered in Israel was the normalcy of asking: "How much did that cost?" or "How much do you earn?" - questions that are taboo in Canada...

Later, as a teacher of English to newcomers, I had to explain what one could and couldn't politely say in Canada - as taboos are not the same in all parts of the world...

One gentleman from Colombia laughingly mentioned that in his country telling people they were fat wasn't taboo. (He had tried it in Canada and met with an icy response!) In his country, a woman might not like to hear that she appeared to have gained weight, but telling her wasn't taboo. (Perhaps people were less uptight about their weight and body image there, the class suggested.)

The subject of taboos always brought on a lively discussion.

I was reminded of all this because the other day, with all the excitement of tree-cutting and re-roofing on our street, my husband had gone over to watch.

"The roof job only cost $5000," he commented on his return.

"Did you ask?" I asked.

"No, Rob [our neighbor] just told me," he replied.

"Do people usually talk about the cost of re-shingling a roof?" I asked. "Is it the same as telling someone how much you paid for a house, a renovation? Or a car?"

My husband had to think for a minute.

"Well, it depends on what kind of friends we are," he replied. "If he was a really close friend, I might tell him what I paid for my car."

It was hard for him to define what was "appropriate."

The subtleties of language extend far beyond what words - and sentences - really mean!

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