Sunday, December 31, 2017

Not Only "THE HEAVENS Declare the Glory of God"...

I love to watch - and photograph - the constantly changing sky.

My intention is to someday paint lots of sky pictures!

When I admire a particularly beautiful sky, the 3,000-year-old words of Psalm 19 often come to mind:

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands..." (Psalm 19) The world out there  is truly amazing!

This past year, I've been giving a lot of thought to the world in here, as well. I've come across a few books about our amazing digestive systems.

In the book, The Mind-Gut Connection, Dr. Emeran Mayer writes:

Your gut has capabilities that surpass all your other organs and even rival your brain. It has its own nervous system... often referred to in the media as the "second brain." This second brain is made up of 50-100 million nerve cells, as many as are contained in your spinal cord.

The immune cells residing in your gut make up the largest component of your body's immune system; in other words, there are more immune cells living in the wall of your gut than circulating in the blood or residing in your brain marrow... The gut-based immune defense system is capable of identifying and destroying a single species of dangerous bacterial invaders that makes it into our digestive system when we accidentally ingest contaminated food or water. What is even more remarkable, it accomplishes this task by recognizing the small number of potentially lethal bacteria in the ocean of a trillion other benevolent microbes living in your gut... 

I try to picture this amazing scene: A trillion benevolent microbes in my gut. Among that trillion, some of these microbes have the capability of identifying and destroying potentially lethal bacteria. They recognize them...!!! A trillion different microbes...?!

When I think about the complexity of this digestive "battle" going on in the body of every person alive on the planet, I am awestruck: "The heavens declare the glory of God..." -  BUT SO DO OUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEMS!! 

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