Sunday, October 13, 2013

Humility in Prayer

Humility is not viewed as a popular character trait these days! We want our children to be self-confident, not humble! But I am re-thinking the concept of humility... Here is some food for thought:

"... humility must be the foundation of all our prayer... We do not pray from a standpoint of strength but of weakness. If we rely only on our own natural resources we cannot pray at all... Prayer... is first and foremost this act of surrender to the Holy Spirit, without whom nothing can happen at all. This is humility in prayer, whereby we recognize that God is everything and we are nothing... We only really begin to love God genuinely when we realized our total dependence upon him, his compassion and his mercy. As we sink deeply into our own darkness and nothingness we find, mysteriously, that a light shines forth out of the heart of it. There can be no light, however, without a previous darkness, which is entered through humility."

(The Path of Life, p. 171-2)

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