Saturday, May 5, 2012

Oeufs en Cocotte - Part 2

After making the "oeufs en cocotte" recipe - described in yesterday's blog post - I asked my daughter where she got the recipe.

On the Williams-Sonoma website, she said.

So I looked for it there... and on other online recipe websites as well.

I discovered that oeufs en cocotte is indeed a very flexible recipe! It can be made using only eggs, cream and butter, as in this recipe.

Another website provides a long list of other possible ingredients that can be added to the eggs (such as Greek yogurt, salmon and asparagus).  

There is flexibility in cooking the ramekins too. They can be put directly on the oven rack (as I did) or in a pan of water in the oven or in a covered pan filled with water on top of the stove.

The French have so many simple - but delicious - egg-based recipes. I couldn't help but think how similar this recipe was to the sour cherry "clafoutis" I often make for breakfast or dessert.

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