Sunday, April 18, 2021

Interesting Questions

I have been enjoying reading The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything... and I’ll really miss it when I’m done! It has given me a lot to think about...

One of the Jesuit ideas that I love is that we were meant to follow our inner dreams. In more spiritual language:  God has planted these dreams in our hearts and minds for us to follow. (And, of course, we all have different dreams!)

As I read the second last chapter, I come across some questions meant to help me discern what my true desires are. (They are taken from the book, Wise Choices by Margaret Silf.)

  1. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but never managed?
  2. What are your unfinished dreams?
  3. If you had your life over again, what would you change?
  4. If you only had a few months to live, how would you use your time?
  5. If a significant sum of money came your way, how would you spend it?
  6. If you were granted three wishes, what would they be?
  7. Is there anyone, or anything, for whom you would literally give your life?
As I ponder these questions, I wonder: Will they help me discern my next steps - even at my age, now that I’m retired?! It’s liberating to think that it’s never too late to have dreams... and do MORE.

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