Friday, August 7, 2015

Quilting - Good for the Body, Mind and Spirit!

I recently came across an article from a British newspaper, that claims that quilting is "uniquely" good for you! Scottish researchers have concluded that working with colorful fabrics and designs is "uplifting" - a real mood lifter. Add to that the geometry and math challenges that quilting brings - this hobby keeps quilters mentally active, too. For those who quilt with a group, it's a social activity. (I've always preferred to quilt alone.) Creating quilts also builds confidence, according to the study.

I believe it!

I've recently realized that quilting can be good physical exercise as well! I have been working on a quilt that is lying in pieces in an upstairs bedroom that now serves as our guest room.

I bring two adjoining pieces downstairs to sew on my downstairs sewing machine...

Then I run back upstairs to replace the block - and pick up another two pieces. After two days of doing this - running up and down the stairs dozens of times a day (and not even thinking about the word "exercise"), I have actually lost a few pounds, even though I have consumed more calories... (Yes, unfortunately I have to keep track of things like that - and my blood sugar levels as well!)

The other alternative is to lay the quilt pieces all over the living room floor - where Terry has to tread carefully when walking around.

Keeping the unfinished quilt on an upstairs bed is more convenient for us all. Plus good exercise!

I think I'll keep that up... Why didn't I start doing this years ago?!

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