Friday, August 21, 2015

"Money in the Bank"

"Money in the bank" is a concept we are all familiar with... If we have money in the bank, it's there to spend. But it can get used up.

The expression is a useful tool to understand other aspects of life, as well.

A while back, Terry used the expression "money in the bank" to illustrate goodwill in personal relationships. I had overstepped my bounds in a comment I made to one of my kids. In response I got a very cold shoulder.

Do you think our relationship has been damaged for good? I asked Terry.

I think you have enough money in the bank to cover this one, he replied. But if you keep taking money out, the account may run dry... (In other words: Watch what you say... Don't do it again!)

Money in the bank may also be a useful way to view unwanted weight gain, as well! Annoyed that I seem to gain and then lose the same five pounds over and over again, I thought about all my calories "in the bank."

I've been adding for so many years, it would take a major lifestyle shift - and a considerable amount of time - to get the "bank account" down to what I would like it to be!

Do I have the self-discipline for that challenge?! I'm not sure!

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