Wednesday, May 7, 2014

When Facing Discouragement...

I came across an interesting strategy this past week - two questions to ask when feeling discouraged. Rather than beating ourselves up with negative self-talk, asking: Why can't I just do this?


"What can I do right now that I can be proud of?
What can I do right now that will help a little bit?"

(Then do it... right now!)

The power of immediately doing something - even something small - is that it encourages us to keep going so that we don't waste time wallowing in self-pity. We feel better - and the situation improves... immediately.

The suggestion comes in a book I am currently reading: The Diet Fix: Why Diets Fail and How to Make Yours Work.

For years I have been trying to manage my 2 diabetes without medication - by simply exercising more, watching what I eat, and monitoring my glucose levels with daily testing. This daily discipline is a constant struggle, so I am easily discouraged when, despite all my efforts, I don't seem to be doing well. This past winter my readings were higher than they have been in years - possibly because icy sidewalks prevented me from getting out and walking much. My doctor recommended this book and referred me to a specialist.

(I bought the book - in hopes of "fixing" my problem before I see the specialist!)

The book has been very helpful. I wanted to share this strategy as it works in any areas of life where we feel discouraged: "If you're unhappy with yourself and the circumstances you find yourself in, ... take a step back to think about how you can answer these questions." (p. 120)

Every small steps that helps, even a little bit is a move in the right direction!

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