Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What's This?!!

I have had this snake plant for years... and all it has ever done is grow new leaves and shed old ones. (They dry up and break off in time.) I like the plant because it is very forgiving - it withstands periods of dryness, when I forget to water it.

When I was away recently, I left instructions for Terry to water all the house plants twice a week only if they felt totally dry - 1/4 cup of water per plant.

When I came back two weeks later, the snake plant had this sturdy stalk growing from its center. (It reminds me of "Jack and the Beanstalk.") Now I'm wondering: Is this a snake plant flower? (I have never seen one before.) Or did a seed land in the soil and begin to grow in the same pot?! (I guess I'll have to do some online searching to find out!)

Later: Wow! This Wikipedia article indicates that it does sometimes flower - and that it is one of the best plants around for improving indoor air quality!


  1. Plants are always surprising us aren't they? I know that we had 'fed' one of our aloe plants with some of our worm compost and a couple of months later it decided to grow a full green pepper plant (complete with a beautiful little pepper as well!)

  2. I wonder if your worm compost had a little pepper seed in it!
    I haven't been surprised by fruit in any of my flowerpots yet (unfortunately)!

  3. I like the idea of improving indoor air quality!
