Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Insomnia: Go With the Flow

I'm going through one of those periods of insomnia again. After sleeping for four or five hours, my mind suddenly awakes. Eventually - after solving the world's problems as I toss and turn - I reluctantly get up and begin my day.

This happens from time to time, for no apparent reason. Two nights ago, I decided to do laundry at 3 am - and had two loads washed and dried before 7... Then I went back to bed, for another hour's sleep. (Now - in retirement - I have that luxury.)

Yesterday I made a point of getting exercise and fresh air. I worked in the garden, then took a long walk. Towards evening, I even went for a bike ride. Falling asleep was no problem - but here I am at 1 am... wide awake again!

I decided years ago (when my periods of insomnia began) that I would not stress it... I would go with the flow. It was a lot harder in those days, as I had to be at work at 7:30 am... just when I was starting to feel tired again.

But - if it was any consolation - I often discovered I was not alone. If I shared that I had been up since 1 or 2, there was often someone else in the staff room with the same tale of woe.

We should have called each other and talked, we would laugh...

How to spend these early morning "bonus" hours?

It's not easy to decide! Whatever part of the brain was awake - it wasn't the part that wanted to mark essays, back in my teaching days. Now I'm luckier. My midnight-sleepless brain is willing to be reflective, and lets me read, write, reflect (or blog)...

So here I am again... awake at 2:15 am... reflecting on my life. With any luck, a post or two will be written before my mind shuts down and wants to sleep again!

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