Sunday, December 13, 2009

Prayer changes ... ME

I have discovered that - when I pray for others - I am often changed. The most dramatic example I can remember occurred when I was in my 20s, helping organize a weekend retreat. A group of us had been meeting for an informal Bible study once a week over the course of the winter. As summer approached, and we began to talk about our summer plans, a few mentioned that they would be moving away to new jobs or studies.

We should have a weekend retreat before everyone leaves, I blurted out...

Everyone nodded in agreement: Great idea! Why don't you organize something?

A few in the group offered to help.

That is how I found myself on a committee to plan the time, place and "agenda" for our weekend away.

The committee had no difficulty agreeing on a date and a place. But when we looked at our time frame - in order to come up with an "agenda" - the minister of my church, Dr. Robert Lindsey, suddenly said: You know, I think that two days away is too long for some people. Why don't we make it Friday evening and Saturday - returning Saturday night.

To my dismay, the others immediately agreed... and proceeded to plan our day away.

But we all agreed on a weekend... two days away... I meekly interjected.

That's too long for some people, someone repeated - as I sat there hurt that my original idea had been modified without my concurrence.

How dare they just CHANGE the whole thing on a whim, I quietly sulked... This was MY vision, MY idea - and they just CHANGED IT... without MY agreement!!

As I sat there, unable to focus on the conversation that swirled around me - I realized: There had to be harmony in our group in order for God to make this retreat a blessing...

So I silently prayed, Lord, give us agreement... Don't let anger or resentment spoil this time away...

Then I looked up and smiled, putting my disappointment aside. I would let God fix the problem...

I expected them at any minute to look at each other and say: You know, we really do need two days for all this...

But instead - to my amazement - I found myself in complete agreement with their idea... Yes, an evening and a day away would be perfect! ... (How had that happened?! When I asked God to fix the problem, I expected God to change their minds, not mine!)

So today - as I prayed for God to change someone dear to me... someone whose views are completely different from mine... I sensed God gently chiding me: Are you praying for this person to be like you... or for this person to be the best that this individual I created can be...?

So I've had a bit of a wake up call. Back to the drawing board (so to speak!) ... as I ask God to show me how to pray for this person... (A whole new concept...)

The retreat I mentioned earlier was a memorable day away - the perfect length of time. A comment I still remember came from John Davies, a fellow teacher, who said: When we were singing, I felt as if I were in heaven!

(Can it get any better than that?!)

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