My mother (who has osteoporosis) injured her foot while getting off a small bus... Simply stepping down to the ground gave her two stress fractures that pain her when she walks. So her doctor sent her for a bone scan, to discover if - despite medication - her osteoporosis has worsened.
That's how I found myself at the hospital the other day - looking for a parking space near the entrance... The parking garage, where I usually park, was a bit of a trek - too far for my mother to walk.
My mother has a permit for handicapped parking spots. I found one in a good location - with metered parking - and left to hunt for a wheelchair. My mother got into the wheelchair, I put enough money in the meter for an hour's parking and left.
In the nuclear medicine department, dye was injected into my mother's body and we were told to return several hours later.
We drove off to have a cup of tea. On our return, we found another handicapped parking spot and repeated the whole process... paid for an hour, looked for a wheelchair...
This time the appointment took longer than expected. Around the time the meter was expiring, I glanced at my watch and wondered what to do. There I was, holding my mother's clothing and valuables. (She was down the hall in a gigantic machine, wearing a hospital gown.) At any time she might emerge from the test - bewildered (if not panic-stricken) if I weren't there...
I had heard that people with handicapped parking permits could park for free at city meters... I had never tried so I wasn't sure if it was true, but - under the circumstances - I decided to chance it, hoping we would be okay.
Forty-five minutes later, when we returned to the car - there was the ticket on the windshield ... a $55 fine - which would become $70 if we failed to pay it before the due date. The city obviously plays hard ball!
I was clearly guilty - but I also felt a a little let down... It was the end of a long and tiring appointment ... now this!
My husband once fought a parking ticket by going to court and pleading "guilty with an explanation." (He reminds me that I insisted he go and stand up for his rights!) He was lucky and got off - some were given reduced fines - others had to pay up.
Should I go to city hall to appeal this ticket - or just pay it...? Is it worth the extra effort (physical and emotional) that going before a judge would entail? (I would also have to pay for parking while I was there!)
I used to be a fighter... passionately defending my rights whenever I felt wronged, or even slightly misunderstood!
But now the energy is gone! I'm just tired!
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