Friday, October 11, 2019

Cutting Down the Summer's Growth

How did we ever manage to have a garden when the kids were young? Terry asks as he surveys the result of two days' work... 19 plastic garbage bins full of yard waste.

We did what we could, I guess...

This summer we had enough rain that I don't remember watering the lawn once. Yet things grew...

Terry likes to cut everything back with a hedge trimmer in fall. I sometimes tackle my flower beds with a hand cutter - but this year my right wrist has been sore, so I let him go at it!

There were years that I might have complained that he cut back too much, but not this year! I need all the help I can get!

If I have the opportunity - I may get into the flower beds and try to pull out gout weed that is covering other plants... But I may not have time... And our nice weather may not hold.

It's always a question of priorities - of doing what's most important on any given day...

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