Sunday, August 4, 2019

Reflection: "Sabbath" Rest

Why do I find it so hard to observe a day of rest?

For years I've tried to develop a rhythm of life that would include a regular day of rest. I experienced how refreshing and restful it was when I lived in Jerusalem - where there is a definite difference between life on the Sabbath and the pace of life the rest of the week.

Sabbath days were quieter. People took time to visit friends. Food was prepared in advance, so there was no busyness - just peace and quiet. In those days, I developed the habit of taking a Sabbath nap.

(Those who remember life before "Sunday shopping" was the norm in Canada may recognize what I'm talking about...)

But - ironically - rest is a real discipline! You'd think we'd all be up for it, but we're not!...

It's really a mystery to me why we should balk at the idea of resting for one day a week - and, believe me, I do too!

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