Thursday, March 15, 2018

How Old is "Vintage"?

In my life of endless sorting.. (!) I came across these toys I had totally forgotten about...

The pinball game dates back to my childhood... I don't remember if it was given to me or to my brother, but the two of us often played it together...

I'm sure we also played it with my childhood friend, Jean, who lives across the country, but reads my blog... I wonder if she remembers it as well!

(It still works!)

The doll was made by my father's sister, my Aunt Elsie, for my daughter, so it's not that old. But it reminds me of an era when most dolls were hand-made.

The kaleidoscope was made by my mother - and it still works, too!

Would these be considered "vintage" toys?! (My own children's toys - Fisher Price toys I bought at garage sales when my kids were young - have been referred to as "vintage" by some!)

Then there's the blue dog which has a zippered pouch in the back - to store pajamas in. I got it as a Christmas gift when I was 10 or 11. It's been washed dozens of times and still has no tears.

(My cousin Rose-Marie was given an identical pink one... I wonder if she still has hers!)

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