Saturday, November 21, 2015

Making Time for Walking

One of the challenges of my daily routine is making time for walking, even though I know it is an integral part of managing my type 2 diabetes. Last winter, I didn't walk a lot - due to cold winter weather and my fear of falling on icy roads and sidewalks. Yet I also neglected my indoor exercise bike - for no good reason! Over the winter, my glucose readings edged up and up. By spring I realized that - if things didn't change - medication would be the next step.

Fortunately, before taking the step of prescribing medication, my doctor referred me to a diabetes clinic, giving me a bit of a reprieve. Now I meet with a dietitian once a month who questions me about my eating and exercise habits, making suggestions for improvement.

As part of the program, I am expected to take a brisk 40-minute walk every day. I recall that being part of my program 10 years ago when I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but over the years I have eased up on the daily exercise part.

This time of year is really great for walking! It's not too hot, and not too cold. Yet one thing has become clear to me: Unless I plan a walk, it isn't going to happen. Unlike dog-owners, who are daily reminded that they have to exercise their dogs, nothing forces me to take a walk. So if I want to do it, I have to plan it... usually early in the day before I get tired.

So shortly after I get up, as I think about the day ahead, I ask myself if there is anything I need to do - like shopping, banking or going to the library - that could involve walking instead of taking the car.

I've been pretty good about following through with my plans - for now! (Snow hasn't arrived yet!) Sometimes Terry comes with me. I've been rewarded with more energy during the day. My walks are gradually getting longer, too. I'm trying to walk as much as I can before the inevitable arrival of snow. I'm not sure how I'll manage once snow arrives.

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