Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Homemade Dandelion Salve?

Dandelion season is here...

Digging them out occupies hours of my gardening time every year. And with a field of dandelions next door, there is no end in sight!

Is it time to look on my gardening scourge in a new light? I read a while back that dandelions aren't native to North America. They were brought here by pioneers who planted them for medicinal purposes.

Maybe I should try harvesting them... for salve. (I don't stomach the thought of using the greens in a salad, another common use.)

The magazine Montana Homesteader, ran an article last year on how to made dandelions salve. It looks easy enough. The main ingredients are dandelion flowers, olive oil, coconut oil and bees wax. (I wonder if I could substitute melted Vaseline for the bees wax?!)

It's supposed to cure aching muscles... (Hmmm... Don't have those very often...) But maybe I'll give it a try!

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