Sunday, March 1, 2015

Simple Gifts...

A friend - who had surgery for colon cancer a few month ago - was lamenting the complications of her post-operative life. Her local cancer clinic was suggesting chemotherapy, although all the cancer had been removed. They also mentioned that her family may have Lynch Syndrome, an added colon cancer risk...

What to do when life seems so discouraging?

My eye glimpses one of the many pieces of paper strewn on my desk, a quote I copied from Lost in Wonder, a book I read a while back:

"Be open to simple gifts."

Simple gifts like a winter sunrise, even when temperatures outside are cold.

Gifts like flowers blooming indoors in the midst of winter...
Like fun time spent with family and friends...

There are times in life when we have to consciously focus on life's simple gifts, feeding on them, savoring them - rather than allowing our minds to linger on fears that sap our strength. 

Is this an escape from reality?!

Aren't these daily gifts our "real reality"?!

Future fears (that may or may not materialize) are not!

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