Saturday, December 18, 2010

People Who Make Their Beds...

Terry reads the newspaper from cover to cover every morning - and from the living room lazy boy, occasionally tosses comments at me across the room: information he thinks I should know...

One such recent comment referred to bed making, a chore I've never really liked. Perhaps it was the "hospital corners" my mother insisted on (in those days before fitted sheets). Perhaps it was straightening all the layers of bedding, topping them with a bed spread that needed to be wrinkle-free. I remember my mother's daily reminders to make my bed! And the ultimate bribe: You can go out to play when your bed is made... (Occasionally re-worded as a threat: You can't go out to play until your bed is made!)

These days, however, bed making doesn't seem like such a chore. And most days I actually look forward to making my bed: If the rest of the house is untidy, at least a hastily-made bed makes me feel that I am still in control of my life! (And I really have no idea why!)

So this morning, as I quickly spread the winter duvet over the sheets - an easy task - I remembered that Terry had recently shared some random information about people who make their beds...

But what was it? I remember laughing as we discussed this strange statistic....

Do you remember what you read about people who make their beds? I asked Terry, secretly hoping it was that they were smarter or more organized... or, better still, had better memories...

People who make their beds are cuter, he replied with a smile...

No, really...

Don't you remember?! ...People who make their beds... live longer!

(Really?! ... I wonder where that idea came from!)

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