Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Memorable Sermon

I hear a lot of sermons in any given year, given that I go to church most Sundays... And although I believe that I learn something from most sermons - even those I can't remember by the end of the service... I have heard a very few memorable ones... Those that I not only remember, but reflect on long after Sunday is over.

I heard one such memorable sermon last Sunday - in it George (our minister) talked about death and judgment. Those aren't hot topics in my sermon list! But this sermon wasn't full of fire and brimstone... In fact, it reminded me that I need to seek true intimacy with those I love, as well as with God.

So if you haven't heard a really good sermon recently, I offer you this one.

(As one friend commented, I don't always agree with what George says, but he always makes me think.)

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