Sunday, May 17, 2020

Small Decisions

Every once in a while, I wonder if  I need to develop new interests in retirement. Have I gotten into a rut?!

A while back, I enjoyed going through The Artist's Way - a book about creativity. The suggested exercises were fun. Maybe I should read the book again...

I pulled it off the shelf...

At the same time, another book I bought more recently caught my eye... I started to read it, but didn't get far. I'm not sure why...

But I like the subtitle, The Sacred Art of Finding Your Way...

In the introduction, I read: "... When we make a decision, even a small one, it expresses something about our fundamental values... " Even little decisions like "how I use my time and spend my money... express my values as much as the really big life decisions do."

I also read: "... God's path for our lives is constantly being developed. It rises within us and is something we develop in partnership with God as we learn to see and understand more clearly. With this seeing and understanding, we find the courage to step into the future."

Reading this, I realize we were never meant to stagnate... Whatever stage of life I'm at will only be satisfying if I embrace new challenges and opportunities...

1 comment:

  1. I used this tutorial and love the mask
