Thursday, September 7, 2017

"Wolfe Island Ferry" Never Gets Old

Wolfe Island is the largest of the "thousand islands" found in Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River.

There is no bridge to Wolfe Island.

Instead, a ferry makes regular crossings  between Kingston and Wolfe Island all year long.

Taking the ferry is free - and the trip takes about 18 minutes each way.

Going for a quick return trip - without our car - is my favorite thing to do in Kingston.

You never know what you'll see...

(Like the causeway bridge lifting up to let some sailboats pass through...)

Don't you ever get tired of it? Terry asks, when I suggest another crossing. Invariably I respond: Never!

The years I lived in Kelowna, BC, where my father had a small boat, gave me a great love of the water... riding the waves, not swimming.

There's something so peaceful about being on the water, watching the clouds sail past...

On this trip, Terry noticed something new: coins on the lower deck...

Is this a tradition I know nothing about? Are they tossed to bring us "good luck"?!

Maybe it worked! We landed safely!

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