Sunday, September 17, 2017

Going Back...

A few years ago, Terry and I spent a few days in the south shore of the St. Lawrence River, at a motel with an amazing gourmet restaurant.

Let's go back - and make it an anniversary celebration, I suggested on the day we visited the Pointe-au-Pere marine museum. It wasn't far away.

I started my meal with a pear and kale soup - the consistency of apple sauce - and deep fried cheese balls. It was delicious! My main course - salmon and salad - was a little disappointing. The salad was very bland.

After our meal, we wandered over to the nearby pier to enjoy the evening view before heading back to Quebec City.

If we were to come this far for the day again, I'd plan to spend the night and head back the following day.

Three hours is a long way to drive after a full day of fun.

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