Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Summer Reading

I've been doing some interesting summer reading. As usual, I have several books on the go, all very different.

My favorite has been Bob Dylan's memoir, Chronicles: Volume 1. Never having been a musician or a writer of music, I find it very interesting to see how a musician thinks.

A few weeks ago, I started another memoir entitled Thirty Days: the journal of a 30-day silent monastic retreat. The retreatant  is a 59-year-old English professor who is struggling to understand himself - and possibly to forgive himself - for an affair he'd had a few years earlier. It's very intense and well-written - not really the light reading I wanted for the summer... so I returned it to the library, after only getting as far as the 5th day! (I notice that it has 5 star reviews on Amazon... Maybe I should read what others think...)

My third book is one I'm just beginning: a 2017 publication about recent type 2 diabetes research. I don't expect it to be very entertaining - but I do want to know what current research says about the disease.

I don't usually "devour" books - but rather "nibble" at them, reflecting on what I read. That's why my "perfect" book has short chapters!

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