Sunday, August 13, 2017

Solved By...

St. Augustine is not one of my favorite Christian "saints." I have a hard time identifying with a lot of what he writes. But a while back, I came across an interesting quote attributed to this learned man who lived 1,600 years ago in Italy and North Africa:

"It is solved by walking." (Or, in his words, "Solvitur ambulando.")

It made me ponder all the ways I solve problems - and I realized that walking isn't one of them.

I often write down my problems (journaling) to force myself to define what is bothering me. Sometimes I talk to an insightful friend... Other times I simply wait and see what happens...

When my kids were younger, I did find that when we went for walks together, they tended to share what was happening in their lives and what was bothering them.

Maybe I should start taking reflective walks - to see what creative ideas - and solutions to problems - pop into my head...

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