Saturday, May 20, 2017

Back to Outdoor Walking

Spring and fall are my favorite walking seasons. Years ago, my daughter and I used to go on a 10 kilometer walk every Saturday. These walks were organized by a local walking club called the "Nepean Nomads." They would provide maps for 5 or 10 kilometer paths that meandered through city neighborhoods - or even small towns nearby.

We'd arrive around 9 am, sign in at the beginning and end of each walk (so presumably someone would come out to look for us if we didn't return!)

It was always interesting to see how more experienced - and often much older - walkers would slowly overtake us, then disappear in the distance.

Once, during an unexpected rain shower, one slowed down and offered to share his umbrella with us. As we tried to keep up with him, we mentioned that we were now able to walk the 10 kilometers in 2 hours. (When we started doing the walks, we were pleased to finish in 2 1/2 hours.

How long does it take for most experienced walkers to finish the course? I asked him.

An hour and a half, was his reply.

An hour and a half became our new goal - but we never reached it. We stopped the weekly walks after I injured my foot.

Time to get back into distance walking again, I've decided. I may eventually participate in an organized walk again once I build up some stamina.

But for now I'm walking around the neighborhood, using the step counter on my phone to keep track of my mileage. My first goal is to do 5 miles several times a week, then work up to 10.

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