Friday, July 29, 2016

Reading With Ivy

I don't remember what I read to my children when they were young. We all loved Dr. Seuss - and the wonderful books by Richard Scarry.

When my granddaughter visited recently, I read Goodnight Moon to her. It's a classic that dates back 60 years.

She's not quite three months old, so I didn't expect much of a reaction. So I was totally unprepared when she made a lunge for one colorful page, as though she wanted to pick up the colorful shapes.

Were the bright colors drawing her attention? I have no idea...

But seeing her get so into a book, I just couldn't stop laughing.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful photo of you and your granddaughter!! It is never too early to enjoy a good book to encourage literacy!!:-)

    Pat - in Brossard
