Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A New Way of Eating

I recently consulted a doctor who specializes in weight management. My blood sugar levels have been rising over the past two years. In a month's time, I will be seeing my diabetes specialist again - and I need to lower my blood sugar before that happens, or I may finally have to go on medication.

This is a "battle" I have been waging for about 10 years, ever since discovering that my blood sugar was higher than normal. Until now I've managed to keep it low enough that I didn't require medication, but it has slowly been going up, and I'm concerned.

New research shows that high protein and fat, very low carb diets can make a change in glucose readings, the weight loss doctor informed me - referring to two recent publications: The Real Meal Revolution and The Obesity Code.

I've begun to read them both. Lowering carb intake is the goal. Not eating as frequently (in other words, fasting, a practice encouraged by the Obesity Code) also helps lower insulin levels and blood sugars... I'm also finally beginning to understand what "insulin resistance" really means.

So I'm trying to do an about-turn in my eating habits, eating less frequently, trying not to eat for 16 hours overnight. Eating a diet higher in "healthy" fat and protein (as well as vegetables). I've known for a while that "good" fat - from nuts and dairy products shouldn't be viewed as unhealthy, but it is strange to eat strawberries with table cream instead of ice cream or low-fat yogurt!

It's all very interesting - and in many ways opposite to what I've been told for years by diabetes specialists...

Hopefully things will improve... My blood sugar levels have dropped a bit already. That needs to continue. But the challenge is to readjust daily habits I've developed over the years.

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