Saturday, April 2, 2016

Spring Haiku

A while back, I was going through my children's school "souvenirs," and I came across this "haiku" assignment. The teacher in me did a quick check: Is it really a haiku? Yes, it's a three-line poem that doesn't rhyme. Yes, the first and third lines have five syllables; the middle line has seven...

I'm not sure what his grade school teacher was expecting when she asked my son's class to write haiku poems. She provided a very poetic title: My spring eyes behold...

What does he behold?!

It has the right number of syllables and lines... Yet not a flower or tree is mentioned!

But, for a nine-year old sports-loving boy, it's an honest poem - sports, friends playing outdoors are probably the only things he would actually "behold."

Come to think of it, I wasn't aware of budding trees, spring flowers or robins until I was much, much older - and had a garden of my own.

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