I had my last acrylics class on Saturday - and we finished our paintings of the barn.
A week ago it looked like this...
On Saturday we added more snow... and fence posts...
I discovered that - in painting snow - it's not about the white... It's about the blue. Blue shadows are what give the snow depth.
Our instructor said that when she finishes a painting, she puts it on the mantel where she can look at it during the day. If something bothers her about it, she changes it.
I've been looking at my picture from a distance... After mounding up all that snow, I think the barn door looks too small! Dare I risk messing up the picture to try to make the door higher?! I'm thinking about it! I also think that I need to add more snow to the right side of the barn roof, to balance it - even though I know that snow in nature doesn't "balance" itself. In fact, the wind mounds it up unevenly all the time... Maybe I'd better leave well enough alone, as my mother used to say!