Sunday, August 21, 2011

Our Theology is Autobiographical

I am pausing to reflect on these words by theologian and novelist, Frederick Buechner, on the interconnectedness of our experiences and our beliefs:

"...all theology... is at its heart autobiography... what a theologian is doing essentially is examining as honestly as he can the rough-and-tumble of his own experience with all its ups and downs, its mysteries and loose ends, and expressing in logical and abstract terms the truths about human life and about God that he believes he has found implicit there..."

He goes on to add: "It seems to me... that if God speaks to us at all in this world... it is into our personal lives that he speaks."

If so, all that we experience... all that we have experienced... is extremely important, as it is the vehicle God uses to teach us, not only about life, but about Himself.

Maybe it's time for me to stop asking: Why have these (hurtful) things happened to me...? God has allowed them: They are His personal "curriculum" for me in His school of faith and life.

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