Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Getting Rid of Paper... and Pens!

This winter has been a time of going through boxes and files, trying to get rid of things we no longer use or need.

I've been sorting through boxes and files of old letters, birthday cards and newspaper clippings...

It hasn't been easy separating from a lifetime of family souvenirs - but I've made some progress!

Another kind of souvenir I've found hard to part with are pens from special places - like this rocket pen from the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.

I don't know if I bought this University of Ottawa pen - or if it was given to me! But I have wonderful memories of working at the university, part-time, for many years.

It was an important part of my life, also because Terry and our daughter studied there.

Here is a pen from "Alpha Plus," a store that no longer exists. They used to sell teaching materials to teachers of immigrants - and they were the first to sell my spelling workbook...

They too were part of my life!

Souvenir pens that bring back memories are hard to throw away...

(Is everyone as sentimental as I am?!)

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