Monday, October 29, 2018

White Sweater - Finishing Touch

I've done a lot of knitting this summer. After surgery in June, there wasn't much else I could do.

One of my summer knitting projects was this Mary Maxim sweater - knit from the top down with very soft synthetic yarn.

I knew it would be a favorite.

But looking at this picture, I noticed how wrinkly it looked. Wouldn't it look better flattened...?

My mother always cautioned against blocking sweater pieces. She feared mis-shaping them.

But this sweater was knit all in one piece - no pieces to join.

Looking online, I found a few methods for "blocking" or flattening sweaters. I decided to try simply using a damp press cloth and an iron set at medium heat.

When I was finished pressing it, the sweater was a little damp, so I left it lying on the ironing board to dry.

When I tried it on later, it looked so much better! I'm so glad I blocked it!

Maybe I should go back and do the same with all the other sweaters I have made! Pressing adds a perfect finishing touch.

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