Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Barron Canyon Hike

Years ago, I read about the Barron Canyon - a park not too far from us in Eastern Ontario.

Every year or so, I'd mention it...

But it never became part of our travel plans.

I recently looked up more information about it...

And discovered that there was a 1 mile (1.6 km) circular trail overlooking the canyon.

It was near the entrance to Algonquin Park - near Pembroke, where a childhood friend of Terry's lives.

Why not combine a hike with a visit to John and Wendy? I suggested.

Before long, Terry was on the phone - and they expressed interest in coming with us.

So we headed off.

I was glad I had a hiking stick with me - the steep hilly terrain, covered with wet leaves, was slippery at times. I didn't think to wear hiking shoes.

There were steep drops into the river below... (I wouldn't bring young children.)

Later on, we drove down to look at the river from a lower level.

Another time, I'd like to try canoeing down the river. That could be fun!

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