Sunday, October 2, 2016

"Seize the Day!"

Carpe Diem, "seize the day" - is an old Latin expression that has new relevance for me at my current stage of life. Life in retirement (for me) has very few deadlines! It's easy for me to procrastinate and leave things I fully intend to do till tomorrow... or next week... or next month...!! And time passes!

Listening to Joyce Meyer's online talks (as I often do) has recently made me aware of setting deadlines for myself in getting things done! (Her most recent book is entitled "Seize the Day," and her recent talks have reflected that theme.)

So I have set myself a goal of finishing quilts I started months - or even years ago!

I am also sorting through books and clothing I no longer need and giving them away!

I'm using her expression to motivate me to deal with unfinished household business.

Interestingly, Joyce doesn't talk so much about being more active (unless that is a problem).

Two ideas of hers that have stuck with me are:

Any day you spend angry is a day wasted.

And: Time you spend working so much that you neglect your family is time wasted! 

I guess it's all about balance - and knowing what is important in life!

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