Sunday, November 18, 2012

"Teach Me to Stop and Listen"

One of the joys of my day is my cup of coffee early in the morning, when everyone is asleep and the house is silent. Recently during one of these "quiet times," I came across this song-prayer (by Ken Medema). It reflects the spirit of my early morning hour - so I share it here.

Teach me to stop and listen, 
Teach me to center down.
Teach me the use of silence,
Teach me where peace is found.

Teach me to hear Your calling,
Teach me to search Your Word.
Teach me to hear in silence
Things I have never heard.

Teach me to be collected,
Teach me to be in tune,
Teach me to be directed - 
Silence will end so soon.

Then when it's time for moving,
Grant it that I may bring,
To every day and moment,
Peace from a silent spring. 

(By Ken Medema  - Quoted by Richard Foster in Sanctuary of the Soul, p. 13)

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