Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Unclaimed Blessings"

I have always found it hard to sit and do nothing - which is why I keep magazines and puzzles in the car, and I often bring notebooks and knitting along with me. I hate to "waste time" if I am waiting for someone. So the following words are a challenge:

" 'Be so still inside that you can listen at every moment to what life is offering you,' Brother David Steindl-Rast says. But the reality is that often we are so busy, so preoccupied with our own concerns, so self-centered and obsessed with our own immediate world that we miss all the good things that God has prepared for us, and that lie there ready at hand, waiting for us to see them. And as we pass them by, they are lost for ever, these gifts. I sometimes wonder if in the kingdom of heaven there is a great room, rather like a vast lost property office, filled with parcels of every shape and form, unclaimed blessings, that God has given us  and we have failed to notice, to receive and make our own."(Living with Contradiction, p. 79)

How can I develop more mindfulness? I wonder... 

By looking at the the changing sky or the people around me as I sit in a parking lot and wait? 


By simply counting my blessings? 

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